
What you should know about our newspaper

Open News


Hello, dear guest of our Internet resource!

We are very pleased to see you here and want to tell you about us. First of all our site is an online-version of the newspaper called  "Iueuski kraj". This is a regional social and political newspaper.

The pages of the newspaper reflect the issues of economic, social and cultural development of the region as well as state youth policy. Thanks to the great interest and positive feedback from readers, we write a lot of historical articles.

The time of rapid political and social processes makes accents on certain topics and motivates journalists of our publication to creatively search for relevant topics, competent interlocutors, interesting facts and necessary words. We know that it is important not only to inform, display reality, but also to orient to the correct attitude to what is happening. It is necessary to pay attention to the criteria of social behavior and the principles of universal morality, to form a certain attitude to this reality.

Thank you for your time and will be glad to see you here again! 

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– на месяц – 3 руб.;
– на три месяца – 9 руб.; 
– на шесть месяцев – 18 руб.


Наши контакты

р/с № BY47BAPB30152768600140000000

ОАО "Белагропромбанк", г.Минск.

УНН 500051130.

E-mail: pressa.ik@ivyenews.by

Тел/факс: (01595) 6-96-40

Наш адрес:
231337, Гродненская обл., г. Ивье,
ул. 1 Мая, 18


Ивьевский районный исполнительный комитет



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