
Celebrating the Great Victory

Open News

Residents and guests of our town celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

The Belarusian people know the value of peace and appreciate the honor and freedom of their homeland, so this day will remain in the history of many generations

The holiday was bright, memorable, filled with concerts and events. Guests of the festival participated in the interactive program, watched a theatrical concert, a regional competition of children's variety art, a contest among organizations and institutions for the best interactive venue, a concert of a brass band, a concert of groups of amateur creativity and a folk music ensemble, a pop concert dance-entertainment program.

There were exhibitions of folk art, master classes in crafts, attractions, shopping arcades and much more.

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– на месяц – 3 руб.;
– на три месяца – 9 руб.; 
– на шесть месяцев – 18 руб.


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р/с № BY47BAPB30152768600140000000

ОАО "Белагропромбанк", г.Минск.

УНН 500051130.

E-mail: pressa.ik@ivyenews.by

Тел/факс: (01595) 6-96-40

Наш адрес:
231337, Гродненская обл., г. Ивье,
ул. 1 Мая, 18


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