
Exploring the tourism potential is a significant goal for the current year

Open News

In order to implement the action plan of the State Program "Hospitable Belarus" for 2021, the state institution "National Agency for Tourism" on June 18-19, 2021 conducts a two-day field seminar on the Grodno region "Tourist potential of Voronovsky, Ivye regions".

Seminar participants - representatives of tourism organizations, employees of the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus, the National Agency for Tourism, representatives of the media.

In the Ivye region, the participants of the seminar visited ag. Geraneni - castle ruins. Church of St. Nicholas, ag. Subbotniki - Church of St. Vladislav, ag. Zhemyslavl - the estate of the Umyastovskys.

We also saw the infrastructure of Ivya, went on a city tour - with a visit to the Church of the Holy Infant Gabriel of Bialystok, the Tatar mosque, the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the Ivye Museum of  National Cultures.

The seminar was held with the aim of familiarizing with the tourism potential of the Ivye region and with the aim of further cooperation.

Photo by S. Zenkevich.

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