
The importance of the Family tree

Open News

Everyone knows that the most powerful happiness can be given only by native people - the family.

True family relationships imply true love, understanding and care, combine spiritual wealth and material well-being.

The International Day of Families is celebrated all over the world today. In honor of this magnificent holiday, the "Alley of the Family" was opened in one of the youngest district of our town.
This event was attended by representatives of the regional leadership and the director of the territorial center of social services. They solemnly opened the alley. The most significant guests of the holiday were families who received the "Order of the Mother". These families have planted beautiful roses that will remind others of the great love and importance of the family.

Special thanks were expressed to the director of the flowers company for the huge contribution to the prosperity of Ivye.

A wonderful mood was created by the singer, who sang some beautiful songs for the audience.

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