
Amazing ancient trouvaille!

Open News

A joint expedition of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the «Marine Pegas» diving center completed work on raising the ancient canoe from the bottom of the Neman River.

A dugout boat was discovered by locals near the village of Nikolaevo, Ivye district. The length of the canoe is about 8 meters, width is 0.9 meters, height is more than 60 centimeters.

The boat was covered with sand to a depth of about 35-30 centimeters. A group of underwater archeology of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences, divers of the «Marine Pegas» diving center and participants of the 4X4 jeep forum lifted the boat from the bottom.

For this purpose, metal frame sections were used, which ensured a reliable fixation and prevented the possibility of breakage, as well as barrel barrel, which played the role of floats of adjustable immersibility.

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